Pakistan proud of everlasting friendship with Azerbaijan

APP37-120522 ISLAMABAD: May 12 - Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf receiving Ambassador of Azerbaijan Mr. Khazar Farhadov at Parliament House. APP

Azerbaijani Ambassador calls on NA Speaker; felicitates him on his election

Mahnoor Ansar/DNA

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that Pakistan is proud of its everlasting friendship with Azerbaijan.

According to details, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Pakistan Khidr Farhadov met with Raja Pervez Ashraf and discussed bilateral relations and issues of mutual interest.

Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf said that Pakistan values ​​its cordial fraternal relations with Azerbaijan and Pakistan is proud of its everlasting friendship with Azerbaijan.

He said that the relations between the two countries’ parliaments would be further strengthened through continuous engagement in the parliaments of both the countries, adding that Pakistan wanted cordial relations with its neighbors and all the countries in the region.

He said that Pakistan believes in resolving all outstanding issues through dialogue, adding that Pakistan values ​​Azerbaijan’s support for Pakistan’s position on Kashmir issue in international and regional forums.

Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf said that there are vast opportunities for promotion of bilateral cooperation in economic and social fields in Pakistan and Azerbaijan, and the establishment of Urdu Department at Baku University is commendable.

He said that the establishment of Urdu department at Baku University would provide an opportunity for the young generation of both the countries to get acquainted with each other’s language, culture and culture. Will bring the people of the two countries closer together.

He said that there were vast opportunities in the energy sector in which cooperation could be enhanced and the Pakistani delegation would participate fully in the Paico Conference to be held in Azerbaijan.

Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf further said that Paico would play an important role in bringing the member countries closer.

The Ambassador of Azerbaijan congratulated Raja Pervez Ashraf on his election as Speaker of the National Assembly, saying that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to its fraternal relations with Pakistan.