PTI slams govt for cruel fuel price hike


Fears the brutal increase seems conspiracy to aflame civil war 

Warns public reaction seems no longer stoppable

ISLAMABAD: /DNA/ – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesperson lashed out at the caretaker government for the heartless and cruel increase in the prices of petrol and diesel, fearing that the brutal move seemed a well-thought-out conspiracy to aflame civil war in the country because the people have already lost their purchasing power due to ballooning inflation.

Strongly reacting to the development, PTI spokesperson rejected the massive and record-smashing hike in POL prices.

“The record-breaking rise in petrol and diesel prices is a cruel blow to the poverty-stricken masses who are already reeling under soaring prices of all essential commodities,” he remarked.

PTI spokesperson urged the caretaker government to shun the callous approach to punish the inflation-ridden people for their own follies, flawed and failed economic policies.

He expressed his apprehension that after the people lost the purchasing power due to the red-hot inflation and rampant unemployment, the current record-breaking increase in fuel prices seems a part of well-conceived scheme to trigger a civil war in the country because it seems no longer possible to stop the public reaction against the rising inflation.

PTI spokesperson has lamented: “The caretaker government is an extension and continuation of PDM’s criminal government in all respects,” adding that there was expectations that Anwarul Haq Kakar would choose a better path to ease the public’s woes instead of becoming the heir of criminals, who reversed all the hard-gains of PTI government.

Taking a dig on the PDM government, PTI spokesperson said that the gang of criminals and idiots took out the funeral of the economy and now the incompetent and titular caretakers are busy trying to bury the people alive.

He alarmed that the latest increase in petrol and diesel prices will further increase the intensity of the destructive wave of inflation, adding that those who run the country according to their free will instead of the constitution and law have left with no time to do further experiments.

PTI spokesperson demanded that the brutal increase in petroleum products should be withdrawn instantly and the government should stop the series of extortion forthwith.

He underlined that the group of criminals should hold the elections without any further delay and transfer the power to the elected government instead of creating chaos and mayhem in the country to disrupt the internal peace because people cannot tolerate unbearable price hike anymore.