RETIRED employees benefits not discontinued: minister


ISLAMABAD: The Minister for IPC/President, Pakistan Sports Board Mr. Ehsan ur Rehman Mazari and DG PSB outrightly denied the media reports about discontinuation of benefits to retired PSB employees. Minister assured that all allied benefits will continue to be paid to the employees of PSB and no one will be ousted from the service. Furthermore, the terms & conditions of the employment of existing employees cannot not be changed during service as has already been decided by the honourable courts in a number of judgments as pointed out by one of the Board Members Maj.Gen. (Retd) Muhammad Akram Sahi. It was decided unanimously that the terms & conditions of the employees of PSB shall not be changed. It was also decided that the observation shall be made part of the minutes of previous 24th Board meeting. It’s also decided that 14th South Asian Games will be held in November 2023. However, input from the National Sports Federations regarding venue of different competitions of the said games may be sought. As per government’s policy, PSB will sponsor the athletes having medal potential and excellent performance. However, the POA may like to sponsor more players for forthcoming Commonwealth and Islamic Solidarity Games. If any of them get laurel for the nation, the government/PSB will not only reimburse the participating expenditures but lucrative cash incentives will be given as well. The board approved the enhancement of rates of boarding and pocket allowance for the camp trainees and fixation of rates of special/extra diet to the potential athletes. The Board ratified the affiliation of Pakistan Amateur Circle Kabaddi Federation and in this regard 60 days period will be given to them for completing their requisite documents as per approved affiliation criteria. The Board suspended the affiliation of Pakistan Weightlifting Federation being involved in number of malpractices apart from doping issues. Board unanimously agreed to grant provisional affiliation to Pakistan Long Range Rifle Association with PSB for a period of one year as provided in the Constitution of PSB. It was decided that Ministry of IPC will take up the case with the Ministry of Interior regarding vacation of Liaquat Gymnasium from Pakistan Rangers Troops within a week time. Board also ratified the adoption of minimum gross salary of @ Rs.25000/- per month to the employees of PSB as notified by the Finance Division.