Donald Trump finally succeeded in materialising his dreams of returning to power

Donald Trump

Shamim Shahid 

AT last former President Donald Trump succeeded in materialising his dreams of re entering into White House by defeating his staunch rival Democratic Party’s Cammila Harrison in 47th Presidential polls. Preliminary results reveal that Donal Trump has won the polls with a land slide victory of 278 electorates compare to 238 of Camila Harrison. 

Donald Trump us returning to assume the most powerful and prestigious but globally important office on January 20th 2025 with stock of challenges and hopes of billions who wants with peace and tranquility throughout the world. Though Trump during his election campaign has time and again assured Ameticans of focusing on internal issues especially making secure the US geographical borders and addressing economic issues but he has to address and help in settling important global issues like fighting in Palestine, Ukraine and Afghanistan. In particular, people from Pakistan and Afghanistan who are ahead with serious issues of terrorism and extremism from last four and half a decades. 

Compare to outgoing President Joe Biden, Donald Trump having a soft corner for Russian President Mr Putin. Ukraine war is now going to complete its second year and it has badly affected US led allies economic situation  and its relations with Russia and several other countries. Mr Trump has time and again not only made reservations over Ukraine war  but he also named Mr Putin as his friend. Now there are strong hopes if ending war in Ukraine whenever Donald Trump get reoccupation of powerful chair in White House. 

Similarly almost members of global community are unhappy with continuous Israeli aggression against Palestinians. No one can disagree with the fact that hardliners from Hammas and Hizb Ullah are responsible for commenting the war in Palestine and provoking the Jewish of targeting the innocent Palestinians but now the world is unhappy with Israeli brutalities against innocent and helpless Palestinians. It is also fact that who ever is occupant of White House in United State is definitely supporting and helping Israel. On such grounds, continuous violence against Palestinians is also damaging reputation of the Americans. On such grounds, Donald Trump is expected to play a role. Trump has already declared no to wars in his election campaign. 

No one can ignore the fact that it was Trump who in his previous period instructed his aide Zalmay Khalilzad for ending the conflict in Afghanistan. For the purposes zalmay Khalilzad had not only made shuttles visits to Pakistan, Afghanistan and several other countries of the region but he had got the credentials for signing of Doha Qatar accord on February 29th 2020 last. People from war devastated Afghanistan have attached great hopes with this internationally recognised agreement but unfortunately its outcomes remain the same like of Geneva 2010 accord, when like of Pakistan patronised Mujahideen have refused to let the UN peace maker Benon Seven to transfer power from Dr. Najib Ullah to Broad based representative government in Kabul. Now despite making commitments and signing the historic documents in Doha, the Talibam leaders are reluctant to go for an inclusive government and honour the human and women rights.

At the moment, Afghanistan looks like a Big Prison where the inmates are living with peace but they lives like slaves and hostages. They are deprived of their basic human rights. Even lives of people both men and women are at mercy of gun totting, illiterate and uncivilised Taliban militants. Besides banning women education, these Taliban rulers are making changes from time to time in curricula and giving more preferences to Islamic education rather than general science and ordinary education. The schools are closed and converted into seminaries.

Beside Afghanistan, situation in Pakistan is also deteriorating day by day. Instead strengthening of State organs, anarchy like situation is developing where the gun totting militants are including the Socio economic, administrative and all other sectors. Divisions and distances in state organs are affecting the democratic organs. The legacy of US sponsored and introduced Jihad against former USSR is now leads to strengthening of terrorism and extremism trends in the region. Al Qaeda and its affiliated militant groups fugitives now sheltering in IS also called Daeesh. The IS has established its hideouts throughout the country especially in the regions bordering with Iran and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Frequent deadly attacks against Chinese nationaks in Pakistan are also becoming a question mark on US policies. 

Compare to past the present situation is different as now the US has established its presence and influence throughout the world. On such grounds, the newly elect US president Donald Trump had to play the role in settling almost of these issues if he really interested in improving image of the Ameticans throughout the world.

NOTE Mr Shamim Shahid is in Washington and has witnessed the polling process.