Khalil Haqqani death likely to fuel rifts within Afghan ranks, damage Pakistan influence 

Khalil Haqqani death likely to fuel rifts within Afghan ranks, damage Pakistan influence 

Shamim Shahid 

Targeting Afghanistan Interim government minister for refugees and mind behind Haqqani network has generated stock of questions. Since return of Taliban into power Khalil Haqqani became third most important figure targeted by suicide bomber inside his most guarded ministerial complex at Kabul. 

Not only it claimed but even Taliban high command has blamed the Islamic States ( IS) also called Daeesh for carrying out suicide attack against Khalil Ur Rahman Haqqani. However, common men and analysts as well are in hunt of answers to queries pertained to honouring of IS militants on the soil of Afghanistan. It is no more secret that almost hard line Islamists organs and individuals including Al Qaeda, Daeesh and others are benefiting no other than US lead allies. Rebellion against Syrian president Bashar Ul Asad after Libyan leader Col Gaddafi has confirmed brain behind such  so called Islamist groups. Whatever might by Persian ( Islamic Republic of Iran) establishment designs but its patronized Hamas and Hizb Ullah’s doing has made more strengthen US puppet Israel in Middle East. 

Reaction of Qandaharis within Emirate Islami over  murdering of Khalil Haqqani in a suicide attack is not encouraging. Even not a single top leader of Emirate Islami turned to funeral of Khalil Haqqani which confirms rifts within Taliban ranks. Only foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi and Maulvi Abdul Kabir both from South-Eastern zone were amongst those who attended funeral or last rites of Khalil Haqqani who had accredited himself as pioneer of suicide bombers in the region. 

Rifts within Taliban ranks are not new but lingering on since mid if August 2021 last. At that time, Taliban high command had made mind for monopolizing the government set up but opposed by no other than Khalil Haqqani.

  Siraj Ud Din Haqqani who is leading the family and notorious Haqqani Network is you and less experienced and he was always guided by uncle Khalil Haqqani to right directions. Now when Khalil Haqqani is no more therefore Siraj Haqqani would definitely face hardships.

Through different jehadic, militant and other individuals, Pakistan has established unbeatable influence across Afghanistan. Earlier, this influence has sustained first ever set back when the US established direct links with the Emirate Islami through Qatar. However, Pakistan succeeded in recovering of such losses through some extent by exploiting ego-politico locations. But now sudden death of Khalil Haqqani is likely to end Pakistan influence in Afghanistan as Khalil after his elder brother Jalal Ud Din Haqqani was considered most loyal and obedient to Rawalpindi-Islamabad.

In the wake of recent developments in Syria, US has confirmed its main role in Islamic world not only for safeguarding its own ego-strategic economic interests but also for making safe and sound Israel, On such ground, US lead allies are interested in further confining Russian to its own international border.

No one can deny the fact that Haqqanis are witnesses to prolonged war on the soil of Afghanistan. Almost top amongst the eyewitnesses of this war have been eliminated. Khalil’s brutal killing is also considered in sequence or part of the move is in progress against eyewitnesses of war on the soil of Afghanistan, declared a Great Game by former President Dr Najib Ullah little before signing of Geneva Accord in 1988. All those who played pivotal role in this great game have either lost their lives or now unable to live inside the country with honor and peace.