Nepra defers power tariff hike in fuel adjustment for November


ISLAMABAD,FEB 11 (DNA) :    The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Tuesday deferred hearing of a petition for an increase in consumer tariff for ex-Wapda distribution companies (Discos) on account of fuel cost adjustment of electricity consumed in November.

The decision to postpone the hearing has been taken upon a Central Power Purchasing Agency’s (CPPA) request.

The petition for tariff increase was filed by the CPPA and it was fixed for hearing for Jan. 29, and then for Feb. 11, on behalf of Discos to generate about Rs7bn in additional revenue to Discos. The CPPA claimed an additional cost of 98 paisa per unit under base tariff 2015-16.

Total energy generation from all sources in November 2019 was recorded at 7,434 GWh. The total cost of energy generated amounted to Rs24.86bn, having an average per unit fuel cost of Rs3.344 per unit. About 7,204 GWh were sold to the Discos for Rs25.01bn.

About 3.1pc units were reported as transmission losses.

The CPPA, in its petition, had said it had charged consumers a reference fuel tariff of Rs2.449 per unit in November while the actual fuel cost turned out to be Rs3.47 per unit. Hence, it should be allowed to charge 98 paisa per unit additional cost from consumers.