MULTAN, :Provincial Minister for Agriculture Syed Hussain Jahanian Gardezi said that 132 agriculture markets of the province were being inter-linked to ensure reasonable prices of crops to farmers.
Talking to APP here on Thursday, provincial Minister said that bringing change in agriculture markets system for ensuring reasonable price of crops to farmers. He said that “Kisan Platform” and mobile application “Mandi APP” has been introduced to maintain record of market fee collection of agriculture markets.
He said that efforts being made to minimize middle man role to facilitate farmers.
Gardezi maintained that maximum tree plantation was also being made at these model markets under the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
He said that special arrangements have been made to prevent encroachments in markets adding that market fee schedule, commission and rates would be displayed on regular basis.
State land of worth over Rs 38 billion has been retrieved through these markets while model market of Asia is being constructed at Lakhodair with funds of Rs 5 billion where arrangements are being made for processing through latest machinery, the minister stated.
He maintained that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf government was paying much focus to Agriculture department as agriculture was the back bone of our economy.
He said that Punjab government was utilizing its all possible resources to promote agriculture sector while Pakistan was providing fertilizers to its farmers on cheapest rates compared to other Asian countries.
Answering the question on fertilizer shortage ,the minister said that there was ample stock of fertilizers in Punjab while artificial shortage was created by illegal profiteers whereas government has tighten the noose against them.
He said that government was taking strict action against hoarders and illegal stokers ,and will provide fertilizers to farmers on government rates at any cost in the market.