Thousands of people marched in protest against Israeli brutalities

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Nazir Siyal

KARACHI: Tens of thousands of people in Karachi marched in a protest against Israeli brutalities in the holy land on appeal of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi on Sunday.

People from all walks of life participated in the march. JI leaders and representatives from Majlis Wahdatul Muslameen, Minorities, and Lawyers fraternity also participated and addressed the march. On the occasion, Sabir bin Maryam from Palestine Foundation presented a Palestinian scarf to JI chief Sirajul Haq.

JI Pakistan Ameer Sirajul Haq in his presidential address hailed the people of Karachi for their overwhelming response to the solidarity call with the people of Palestine. He thanked them for their show of expression of support to Palestine.

Rejecting the expression that the concept of Muslim umma has failed, he said that tens of thousands of people in Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries took to streets in expression of solidarity with the Palestinians.

He strongly condemned the brutal actions by Israeli forces against innocent people in Palestine. He also paid a rich tribute to the people of Gaza and other parts of Palestine for their bravery and sacrifices they are presenting for their freedom.

The JI leader dedicated the Palestine March to the issues of Muslims across the world. He said he messaged to Ismael Hania that he shares the ownership of each and every causality in Palestine.

He said that soon after the Israeli aggression he had approached Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, urging the minister to mobilize the Muslim world against Israel. He made it clear that the OIC’s mere condemnation and lip services are unacceptable. He demanded of the Muslim world to reconsider their diplomatic relation with Israel.

The JI leader also charged the ruling regime in Pakistan for what he called back stabbing the people of Indian occupied Kashmir. He said he wants to make it clear that whoever tried to rollback the issue of occupied Kashmir will not be spared.