Civil-Military establishment has become more powerful through constitutional amendments: Liaqat Baloch

Liaqat Baloch


ATTOCK: Naib Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Liaqat Baloch has said that it is time that all stakeholders must give up ego, obstinacy and stubbornness. He said it is the national duty of the national political leadership to find a political solution to political crises through national dialogue.

talking to the media representatives in Attock, Liaqat Baloch said that the country’s political, economic and security conditions are constantly deteriorating while the situation is not being improved and instead of improving it, it is causing more instability, mistrust, insecurity and more complications, he deplored.

Liaqat Baloch said the institutions of the state, the federal and provincial governments and the national political leadership are not ready to take any serious measures to address the seriousness of the situation and to end the political instability. Due to neglect, carelessness and political apathy, political instability is becoming more worse, he added.

The civil-military establishment has become more powerful through constitutional amendments, malicious legislation, and undermining the independence of the judiciary, Liaqat Baloch said and added the National, Provincial Assemblies and the Senate have become ineffective, slaves and rubber stumps while there is a worse condition of politics and democracy in the country.