The ESaR Trust and Institute of Public Policy, Riphah University and Good Governance Forum organised a round table


PESHAWAR     The ESaR Trust and Institute of Public Policy, Riphah University and Good Governance Forum organised a round table

 jointly organized the 2nd Roundtable on “National Security, titled “Political Polarization and Its Impact on National Security”

Speaking at the Round Table Conference on the issue of 

“Role of Governance and Leadership in bridging divide ” Dr Syed Akhtar Ali Shah, Chairman Good Governance said that 

 Governance  and good leadership are interconnected. In a lead role Leader  navigates  the ship of the state out of storms  to safe shores of  stablity , by resolving conflicts Good Leader ship,  comprehend the grievances and address those .  Pakistan grapples with the dual challenge of a resurging terrorist threat and other complex national and regional issues.  He or she resolves conflicts and works towards reconciliation ,provides stability and harmonies efforts of all .

In Pakistan major conflicts hovers around  nonfunctioning and holding of the meeting of the   Council of Common meetings as per requirement, delays in working out National Finance Commission Award after every four years, no NFC awards after the 7th , now 11th due,  non-adherence to AGN Qazi Formula- methodology  , failure to fulfill commitment of 3 percent of the Award to Newly Merged Districts, water rights over River Indus, 

The other areas sharping divide are  manipulation of Elections-  delays in deciding election petitions in accordance with Form 45,  violation of the Due process of law,   non-implementation of the Supreme Court judgments,  26th amendment, subordination of the judiciary to executive, and packing the institution with like minded judges, arrests on political grounds . The attrition has also been caused due to  amendment to Prevention of Electronic Crime Act.

By passing of the Constitution  and hybrid style  –  Tailor made laws contribute towards sense of alienation as the general populace lose trust in the institution 

The most troubling divide exists in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa  and Balochistan –  where youth have deep seated grievances . Those act as propeller for pollical movements as well as insurgency .

Let there be grand dialogue over national issues . Let’s burry the hatched  . The leadership having federal government should take the lead. For this confidence building measures should be taken by declaring a general amnesty for political leaders and workers.  

Truth and Reconciliation Commission consisting of agreed members  should be formed. 

Judicial Commission to inquire into allegations of firing  in Islamabad should be formed .  

11th NFC Award should be announced. 

The Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should be given 19 percent share after the merger of FATA 

Arears of Net Hydel profits should be given according to AGN Qazi Methodology . 

Meeting of the CCI should be held according to the schedule as set by the Constitution 

 All organs of the state should function with in the orbit of the Constitution.  Hybrid system has no place in the Constitution, therefore should be done away with.  

State enterprise should not be given single source contracts.  

 No unilateral decision should be taken by the Punjab over Indus River- The matter should be taken to the CCI as per the Constitution.    

Grievances of the provinces – citizens – and all stake holders should be examined without any pre conceived notions.