Yunnan Continues Assisting Pakistan  



The relations between China and Pakistan are not only limited to economic activities but China always support Pakistan in social and community uplift programs. Now, not only Chinese federal government and institutions are collaborating with Pakistan, but Chinese provinces are coming forth with their own projects and initiatives to help Pakistan.

One such notable example is that the Overseas Representative Office (ORO) of Yunnan Commerce in Pakistan in collaboration with Yunnan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is playing a leading role in socioeconomic development in Pakistan.

Under “Yunnan Hand in Hand Program” a project of “Yunnan Pani” was initiated in 2022 to provide clean and safe drinking water for the residents of rural areas of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. With the help of this project, thousands of rural people are benefitting by installing solar-powered wells / pumps, water filtration units and water storage tanks etc.

Up till now, 13 systems have been installed in various localities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad at Rawat, Sangjani, Tarnol, Sarai Kharboza and Jhangi Syedaan in coordination with Local Body Administration and handed over to the respective communities of the areas.

In 2024, three (3) clean drinking water systems have been installed in Tarnol, Sarai Kharboza and Jhangi Syedaan areas; whereas five (5) system were installed in 2023 in the areas of Rawat, Tarnol and Sangjani areas and five (05) in 2022.

The initiative is the best example of community participation by engaging the mosques of beneficiary areas to use their already available wells and by constituting “Yunnan Pani Committees” comprising of local community members to take care of the systems installed including repair and maintenance, security and smooth running of systems to ensure the availability of clean drinking water to community.

Thousands of people are benefitting from this facility at their doorstep, which earlier lacked of clean drinking water facility.

Mr. Li Ping, Director of Yunnan Commerce in Pakistan has expressed his resolve that Yunnan province intends to continue and expand such social impact contributions in future as well.